Sunday, July 29, 2012

Swiss+Tech MMCSSS Micro-Max 19-in-1 Keychain Multitool Swiss+Tech MMCSSS

Swiss+Tech MMCSSS Micro-Max 19-in-1 Keychain Multitool Swiss+Tech MMCSSS

Swiss+Tech MMCSSS Micro-Max 19-in-1 Keychain Multitool Swiss+Tech MMCSSS

Swiss+Tech MMCSSS Micro-Max 19-in-1 Keychain Multitool

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Swiss+Tech MMCSSS Micro-Max 19-in-1 Keychain Multitool Swiss+Tech MMCSSS
  • 2 hex wrenches (1/4", 7/16"), 6 screwdrivers (#0,1,2 flat, #0,1,2 Phillips)
  • Pliers, bottle opener, wire cutter and stripper, wire crimper
  • Hand drill, file, 2 rulers (mm and inch), 2 ruler extensions (mm and inch)
  • Limited lifetime warranty
  • This keychain multi-tool makes a great gift
Swiss+Tech MMCSSS Micro-Max 19-in-1 Keychain Multitool Swiss+Tech MMCSSS The new Micro-Max 19-in-1 Series offers the most comprehensive and versatile set of tools to date. This solid stainless steel tool set, with its patented, quick-release and self-locking mechanism, folds out into 19 different professional-grade tools. Tighten, loosen, wire, drill, file, open and measure with ease. Includes 2 hex wrenches, 6 screwdrivers, pliers, wire cutter, wire stripper, wire crimper, hand drill, file, bottle opener, 2 rulers (mm and inch), and 2 ruler extensions. Patent pending design provides 24/7 pocket-sized readiness. For key ring, purse, glove box and more.


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