Plastic Waterproof Fly Box - White Barnsley Fly Co. BFB03
What you can find what is good and so much more.
Plastic Waterproof Fly Box - White Barnsley Fly Co. BFB03 is based on the answers you're looking for. And can meet your needs as well. I bought Plastic Waterproof Fly Box - White Barnsley Fly Co. BFB03 from the Internet. And try it out.
Plastic Waterproof Fly Box - White Barnsley Fly Co. BFB03 is a friend of my friend. I want them to be of good quality, but I really would recommend it to you. Although Plastic Waterproof Fly Box - White Barnsley Fly Co. BFB03 may be a product with the brand. But it took a lot of very good quality.
Plastic Waterproof Fly Box - White Barnsley Fly Co. BFB03
- The perfect fly box for storing enough flies for the day while fitting nicely in your pocket
- Made from tough impact resistant plastic with durable silicone seal to keep your flies nice and dry.
- Fly box will float if dropped in water.
- Secure clasp locks fly box closed in a snap.
- Now includes an adjustable quick release lanyard for wearing the fly box around your neck
Plastic Waterproof Fly Box - White Barnsley Fly Co. BFB03 Made from tough impact resistant plastic with durable silicone seal to keep your flies nice and dry. Each box comes with a foam compartment on one side and spring compartments on the other. Secure clasp locks fly box closed in a snap.This fly box will float if dropped in water. It's the perfect fly box for storing enough flies for the day while fitting nicely in your pocket. We are now including an adjustable quick release lanyard so you have the option of wearing it around your neck or tying it onto your vest.Dimensions: 4.5" x 3" x 1.25"This fly box will float if dropped in water. This is an ideal fly box for storing enough flies for the day and will fit nicely in your pocket.Dimensions: 4.5" x 3" x 1.25"
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