Rapala Rattlin 05 Fishing Lures Rapala ASIN B001NXD0NM
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Rapala Rattlin 05 Fishing Lures Rapala ASIN B001NXD0NM is a friend of my friend. I want them to be of good quality, but I really would recommend it to you. Although Rapala Rattlin 05 Fishing Lures Rapala ASIN B001NXD0NM may be a product with the brand. But it took a lot of very good quality.
Rapala Rattlin 05 Fishing Lures Rapala ASIN B001NXD0NM
- Watch the swimming action at slow to very fast retrieve rates
- 3-to-7-feet of running depth
- Weighs 0.375-ounce
- It is equipped with 2-full-size treble hooks for sure hookups
Rapala Rattlin 05 Fishing Lures Rapala ASIN B001NXD0NM Cast out a Rattlin' Rapala and watch the swimming action at slow to very fast retrieve rates--you'll be amazed. This extra-loud shallow-running crankbait is equipped with 2 full-size treble hooks for sure hookups. Special "tuned" sound chamber is loaded with rattlin' BBs that are harmonic, uniform and "in tune" with nature, and alert and arouse the attack instinct in fish
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